Founding Session of the World Congress on Freedom of Scientific Research*
Rome, 9 and 10 October 2004
Hotel Ergife, Via Aurelia 619
SATURDAY 9 October
10.00 – 10.30 Registration of participants
Introducing and chairing the works:
Marco Cappato, Secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association
Giulio Cossu, Professor of Embryology and Medical Histology, “La Sapienza” University of Rome;
Planned interventions
Teki Tartari, The Academy of Sciences of Albania
Joseph O. Malo, President, Kenya National Academy of Sciences
Vladimir Viklicky, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
Ivan Ivanov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Ahamd Adwan, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
Interventions and reports by: Luca Coscioni, President of the Italian Radicals
Bernat Soria, Director of the Bioengineering Institute at the Miguel Hernández University of Elx and of the Spanish research programme on stem cells:
“Four Scientific Reasons by which Somatic Nuclear Transfer must be Allowed, Regulated and Financed”
Gilberto Corbellini Professor of the History of Medicine, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
“Paternalism and the Political Abuse of Eugenics”
Emma Bonino, Former European Commissioner
Ivar Giaever, Nobel Prize in Physics
“Science in the 21st Century”
Written reports: Marco Perduca, Transnational Radical Party Representative at the UN
“Scientific Research and the United Nations”
Chairman: Ivar Giaever
Interventions and reports by: Giulio Cossu
“Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells: Promises and Problems”
Baccio Baccetti, Full professor of Applied biology, University of Siena, Member of the National Academy of Lincei
“New technologies of assisted reproduction in the context of freedom of scientific research”
Luca Gianaroli, Scientific Director of the Italian Society for Studies on Reproductive Medicine
Yury Verlinsky, Director of the Reproductive Genetics Institute of Chicago
Fernando Aiuti, Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Immunology and Allergology “La Sapienza” University, President of Anlaids
“Freedom of Research and its Importance in Therapy and Prevention of Diseases of the Immune System and Contagious Diseases”
Mayana Zatz, Director of the Human Genome Centre of the State University of Sao Paulo
Claudio Giorlandino, President of the Forum of Genetics and Reproduction Associations
“Prenatal Diagnosis, Genetic Tests and New Medicine”
Alois Gratwohl, Haematologist, University Hospital of Basel
“The soul is not in the heart: why we need research on reprogramming in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation”
Francesco Fiorentino Director of Genoma Laboratory
“Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and the case of little Luca”
Chairmen: Marco Pannella, Member of the European Parliament Bonino List and Gilberto Corbellini
Interventions and reports by: Fru Britta Thomsen, Danish Member of the European Parliament
Biagio De Giovanni, Professor of “History of Political Doctrines”, Political Expert and Political Historian, Oriental University Institute of Naples
“On the Freedom of Science”
Yanez Barnuevo, Member of the European Parliament of the Socialist Party
Maurizio Turco, Treasurer of the Luca Coscioni Association
Alexander Alvaro, German Member of the European Parliament
Daniele Capezzone, Secretary of the Italian Radicals
Mauro Barni, Vice-President of the National Bioethics Committee, Professor of Forensic Medicine, University of Siena
Demetrio Neri, Professor of Bioethics, University of Messina
“Which Public Regulations Support Advanced Biomedical Research?”
Rita Bernardini, Committee for the Referendum on Medically Assisted Procreation and Freedom of Scientific Research
Marisa Jaconi, Cell Biology University of Geneva
“Presentation of the Committee for NO to the Referendum Against Biotechnological Research”
19.30 – 20.30 Debate
SUNDAY 10 October
Chairman and moderator:
Marco Cappato, Secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association
Written report: Matteo Meccaci, Transnational Radical Party Representative at the UN
“Scientists Persecuted Worldwide”
Reports: Tullio Regge, Professor of Quantum Theories of Matter at the Turin Polytechnic, National member of the Accademia dei Lincei
“Return to the Middle Ages”
Luciano De Crescenzo, Philosopher
Françoise Shenfield, Member of the European Society of Embryology
Giulio Giorello, Professor of Philosophy of Science, University of Studies, Milan
Cesare Galli, Director of the Laboratory of Reproductive Technologies, Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute, Cremona
“The Adventure of the Bull Galileo”
Conclusions by Marco Pannella
The “Founding Session” is summoned and organised by the “Luca Coscioni for Freedom of Scientific Research” Association, with the support of the Transnational Radical Party and the Italian Radicals”
Among the participants:
Antonio Pietro Ariani, Assistant Lecturer of Zoology, Director of the Zoological Museum of the “Federico II” University, Naples
Paolo Berardinelli, Assistant Lecturer of Anatomy, University of Teramo
Paolo Bernardini, Director of the Centre for Italian and European Studies of Boston University
Patrizia Berti, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Francesco Della Corte, Professor of Compared Anatomy and Cytology, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Naples
Giovanni Ciccotti, Professor of Structure of Matter, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Marta Cristiani, Professor of History of Philosophy, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome
Roberta Vanni, Dept. Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, University of Cagliari
Barbara Serafini, Researcher, Superior Institute of Health
Riccardo Talevi, Dept. Evolutionary and Compared Biology, “Federico II” University of Studies, Naples
Giorgio Berton, Professor of General Physiopathology
Alberto L. Catapano, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Milan
Sara Mantero, Ph.D. Department of Bioengineering, Milan Polytechnic
Mario Stefanini, Professor and Chairman Dept. of Histology and Medical Embryology, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Guido Favia, Dept. of MCA Biology, University of Camerino
Giorgio Coen, Assistant Lecturer of Nephrology, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Mario Polsinelli, Professor, Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Florence
Adriana Oliva, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, F. Cedrangolo
Romano Scozzafava, Professor of Calculus of Probability, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Adriana Ceci, Department of Pharmacology and Human Physiology, University of Bari
Aldo Fasolo, Professor, member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Prof. Annalisa Pession, Anatomy, Histology and Pathological Cytology Section, Department of Oncologic Sciences
Antonella Stoppacciaro, Assistant Lecturer of Anatomy and Pathological Histology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Gilda Caruso, Professor of Pathological Anatomy, University of Bari
Vittorio Colizzi, Ph.D., M.D. Professor of General Pathology and Immunology, UNESCO Professorship of Biotechnologies
Daniela Grifoni, Ph.D. Developmental and Cancer Genetics Lab
Davide Manca, Associate Professor CMIC Chemical Engineering Department
Fabio Marazzi, Lecturer at the Bergamo University of Studies, expert in international and company law, in particular in the field of telecommunications and biotechnologies
Tiziana Bartolotti, Head of the Reproductive Physiopathology Service of the Lugo Hospital
Guiduccio Ballati, Assistant Lecturer of Preventive and Social Paediatrics, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Giancarlo Bojani, Scientific Director of the Civic Museums, Pesaro
Giovanni Bucci, Professor Emeritus of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Luigi Montevecchi
Giovanni Monni, Head of Pre-implant Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis – Foetal Therapy, Microcythemic Hospital, Cagliari
Domenico Danza, Ginecologo, Presidente dell’ Associazione Italiana Medici e Biologi della Riproduzione Umana
Brian Dale, Embriologo, Prof. Ordinario Univ. Manchester 1990
Filomena Gallo, Avvocato, Presidente Nazionale Associazione coppie sterili – Associazione Amica Cicogna onlus