Thousands Rally in Dublin Against Ireland’s Abortion Ban

Thousands of people marched in Dublin on Saturday to demand an end to the country’s constitutional ban on abortion, one of the strictest such laws in the Western world. The March for Choice is an annual protest against the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution, which enshrines a ban on abortions, but this year it

Last Charges Dropped Against Abortion Foes in Making of Planned Parenthood Video

A judge dismissed Tuesday the last of the charges against two anti-abortion activists who covertly recorded a video of themselves meeting with Planned Parenthood officials, effectively ending a case that had drawn national attention from both opponents and supporters of abortion rights. The activists, David R. Daleiden, 27, and Sandra S. Merritt, 63, were indicted

Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Restrictions

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday reaffirmed and strengthened constitutional protections for abortion rights, striking down parts of a restrictive Texas law that could have drastically reduced the number of abortion clinics in the state, leaving them only in the largest metropolitan areas. The 5-to-3 decision was the court’s most sweeping statement on abortion

Republicans’ Latest Attempt to Discredit Fetal Tissue Research

As part of their continuing war on fetal tissue research, House Republicans are now accusing a tissue procurement company and three abortion clinics of violating federal privacy law. In a letter dated Wednesday, Representative Marsha Blackburn, chair of the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, charged that StemExpress and the clinics, two of which

Oklahoma Lawmakers Approve Bill to Revoke Licenses of Abortion Doctors.

An Oklahoma bill that could revoke the license of any doctor who performs an abortion may soon head to the governor, with opponents saying the measure in unconstitutional and promising a legal battle against the cash-strapped state if it is approved. In the Republican-dominated legislature, the state’s House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a Senate bill

Northern Ireland’s Justice Minister announces plans to reform abortion laws

Northern Ireland’s Justice Minister has announced his plans to reform abortion laws in the region for the first time in seventy years. Minister David Ford has proposed that abortion be available in the event of a foetus suffering from a fatal abnormality meaning that they could not survive outside the womb. The proposal marks a

Wisconsin: Judge Strikes Abortion Law

A federal judge on Friday struck down a Wisconsin law requiring doctors performing abortions to get hospital admitting privileges, ruling that any benefits to women’s health from the requirement were “substantially outweighed” by the harm done by restricting access to abortion. Judge William M. Conley of Federal District Court, who had earlier put the law

A Unanimous Supreme Court: Abortion Rights Lose a Buffer.

In the world as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia imagines it, anti-abortion advocates resemble Eleanor McCullen, a self-described “mother and grandmother” who stands outside a reproductive-health clinic in Boston and attempts to gently “counsel” approaching women out of getting an abortion.He also sees lawmakers and judges conspiring to silence the voices of those like Ms.

Peru finally implements abortion law after 90 years.

Lima: Peru finally put into effect a 90-year-old law allowing abortions in certain cases, after the government issued a new decree on how to apply the law. The new guidance covers abortions at up to 22 weeks of pregnancy and only when a mother’s health or life is in danger. “To be applicable, abortion should

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