Eric Racine: “Neuroethics: tackling the ethical and social challenges of the neuroscience revolution�? (EN, IT)

I really learnt a great deal from the talks I have been attending, and I feel a particularly strong connection with the topic of scientific freedom. This relates to the place where I work as a researcher, the IRCM, which was created by one of our leading Canadian physicians, Dr Jacques Genest, who is an

Martin Perl: “The Consequences Of Basic Research in S&T and Proposals For Restrictions on Basic Research” (EN, IT)

“Two Thesis: (a) The Consequences Of Basic Research In Science And Technology, (b) Proposals For Restrictions on Basic Research” The consequences of basic research in science and technology are sometimes all good, for example the discovery of the HIV virus as recognized in the 2008 Nobel prize in Medicine. A contrary example is the Wright

Andrea Boggio: “Freedom of Research around the Globe: A Preliminary Study” (EN, IT)

“Freedom of Research around the Globe: A Preliminary Study” Researchers around the globe share the common goal of increasing scientific knowledge. Yet, researchers and health care professionals operate in regulatory environments that often limit their freedom of research to degrees that vary from nation to nation. In this paper, we present the preliminary results of

Antonino Forabosco: “The new “latinorum�? for media against the biomedical science”

Antonino Forabosco Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Session: “ Science, ethics, and and ethics of the scientific research�? Round table: “Genetic determinism and eugenics�? Title: “The new “latinorum�? for media against the biomedical science It is now clear that biology, and especially the beginning of a new

Imma Subirats: “Open Acces Archiving”

“To self-archive is to deposit a digital document in a publicly accessible website, preferably an OAI-compliant Eprint Archive. Depositing involves a simple web interface where the depositer copy/pastes in the “metadata” (date, author-name, title, journal-name, etc.) and then attaches the full-text document. Some institutions even offer a proxy self-archiving service, to do the keystrokes on

Mª Jesús Montero: “Investigación, democracia y libertad: el caso de Andalucía”

Investigación, democracia y libertad: el caso de Andalucía. Mª Jesús Montero, Consejera de Salud. Andalucía. Andalucía es la región española más extensa y poblada, con un volumen de población cercano a los ocho millones de habitantes y una superficie de 87.000 kilómetros cuadrados. Esta dispersión geográfica ha generado que, desde que se le transfiriesen las

Michael Gazzaniga: The Ethical Brain

The Ethical Brain Cognitive Neuroscience has many issues with respect to the current field of neuroethics. Cognitive neuroscience can help with some current ethical dilemmas such as does the embryo have the moral status of a human being? Perhaps most importantly cognitive neuroscience is building an understanding of how brain research will instruct us on

Cesare Galli: Somatic cell nuclear transfer in animals: lessons for the future

Cesare Galli Session: Genetic determinism and eugenics Title: Somatic cell nuclear transfer in animals: lessons for the future Talking about cloning immediately people’s mind goes to think about copying machines and believe that each cloned animal is a photocopy of the original or of its twins clones. Early studies in monozygotic twins already indicated that

Gilberto Corbellini: The scientists’ ethos and the evolution of individual human rights in Western societies

Gilberto Corbellini Professor of History of Medicine, University of Rome To defend the freedom of scientific research today in the world, means to defend personal freedom tout court. Ergo, it means to defend democracy. To promote the scientific education and a scientific culture, which means exporting science, would be by far a more effective and

Lewis Wolpert: Is science dangerous?

Lewis Wolpert, Emeritus Professor of Biology as Applied to Medicine, Anatomy, University College, London Session/Theme: Science, society and politics – public understanding of science Title of the presentation: Is science dangerous? The idea that scientific knowledge is dangerous is deeply embedded in our culture. Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from the Tree of