Emilia Clarke on ‘Game of Thrones,’ Surfing and Her New Movie

As Daenerys Targaryen in HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” the British actress Emilia Clarke battles evil while armed with dragons and an apparent immunity to fire. But as Louisa Clark in “Me before you,” she’s a mere mortal caring for a demonically angry Englishman (Sam Claflin) determined to end his life after being hit by a

Euthanasia row over decision to end life support for French quadraplegic Vincent Lambert

A row has broken out over the controversial question of who should take responsibility for a comatose man after doctors refused to decide on ending life support, saying they feared for their safety. According to the parents of Vincent Lambert, 38, left a quadriplegic with severe brain damage after a 2008 motorbike accident. his doctors

Tragic case prompts India to adopt a law permitting ‘passive’ euthanasia

By Rama Lakshmi NEW DELHI — Aruna Shanbaug was working as a nurse in Mumbai when she was brutally raped and assaulted by a co-worker — an attack that left her in a vegetative state for the past four decades. Her case inspired a best-selling book and sparked a heated debate about euthanasia in India.

France passes new end-of-life legislation to alleviate suffering.

France passed legislation on Tuesday giving doctors new powers to place terminally-ill patients in a “deep sleep” until they die, sparking controversy over whether euthanasia should be fully legalised. Eight out of 10 French people are in favour of allowing euthanasia and almost all – 96 per cent – back the “deep sleep” law, polls

French parliament prepares new end-of-life legislation

Henry Samuel —    Doctors in France will have the right to put terminally-ill patients into a deep sleep until they die, under plans unveiled on Friday that reignited a national debate on euthanasia. Apart from Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland, few countries in the world explicitly permit euthanasia or assisted suicide. In France, a 2005 law

Supreme Court Overrules Rodriguez; Physician-Assisted Suicide Legal In Canada

McCarthy Tétrault LLP ​Byron Shaw   Physician-assisted death is permissible in Canada, for competent adults who: (1) clearly consent to the termination of life; and (2) have a grievous and irremediable medical condition that causes enduring suffering that is intolerable to the individual in the circumstances of their condition. In Carter v. Canada (Attorney General), a unanimous

Assisted Suicide: British developments

On the first day of December, facing several empty rows in the Scottish Parliament, Margo Macdonald, the staunch independent MSP from the Lothians, stood up and defended her bill before the House: the televised debate was, as many of her Holyrood colleagues acknowledged, a welcome return, since the topic had lain dormant from the 2005