Panel: “The implementation of the right to enjoy scientific progress and the freedom indispensable for scientific research”

Organized by the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research and the “Associazione Luca Coscioni” in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva and with the International Institute for the Human right to science Tuesday 20 September 2016, h. 13.00 – 15.00 Room, XXVII, Palais des

Jordan adopted new stem-cell law

In January, Jordan passed a law to control research and therapy using human stem cells derived from embryos — the first such regulation in the Arab and Islamic region. Rana Dajani, who is associate professor of molecular cell biology at the Hashemite University in Zarqa, Jordan, and was part of the legislative initiative, writes Jordan has become

Opening speech

Speech at the EU Preparatory meeting of the Third World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research Minister Bonino, Honourable Members of the European Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in this important event on freedom of scientific research. I would like to thank the Honourable Niccoló Rinaldi,

Opening remarks

Speech at the EU Preparatory meeting of the Third World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research Moi je vais faire plutôt une introduction et non une intervention. First of all I am very honoured to be invited here today. Although I must admit that the topic is not exactly my cup of tea. To be

Initiatives for freedom of scientific research and treatment

Speech at the EU Preparatory meeting of the Third World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research Some of you have been following the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research for almost ten years, while for others this is the first time. Marco Pannella, leader of the Nonviolent Radical Party, is to thank for providing the

Ideas and analyses for an “International Science Freedom Index”

Speech at the EU Preparatory meeting of the Third World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research First, I want to thank everybody for attending this meeting. I contribute to this interesting discussion by showing some data and by sharing some ideas on how freedom of research is connected to democracy. Since the beginning of this

For whom and what is science

Speech at the EU Preparatory meeting of the Third World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research I have been trying to follow almost all the speeches that have been given so far. As a politician, and not a scientist, I would like to offer you this paradox, which has been brought up regularly today, even

Concept Paper: Bridging the Gap between Science and Politics

III SESSION OF THE WORLD CONGRESS FOR FREEDOM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH “Bridging the Gap between Science and Politics” Concept Paper Democratic institutions are finding it increasingly difficult to govern the issues of our time; not only the economic, financial and social crisis. Depending on political orientations, there are different interpretations, for some of which we

Presentazione della III sessione del Congresso Mondiale

III INCONTRO DEL CONGRESSO MONDIALE PER LA LIBERTÀ DI RICERCA SCIENTIFICA “Colmare il divario tra scienza e politica” Concept Paper / Documento di presentazione Le istituzioni democratiche incontrano crescenti difficoltà nel governare i problemi del nostro tempo, non solo la crisi economica, finanziaria e sociale. A seconda dei diversi orientamenti politici, esistono diverse letture, per

Colmare il divario tra scienza e politica: III Congresso per la Libertà di Ricerca Scientifica – Programma provvisorio

[Programma provvisorio] “Colmare il divario tra scienza e politica” Terzo Incontro del Congresso Mondiale per la Libertà di Ricerca Scientifica con il patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri del Ministero della Salute e di Roma Capitale Roma  Camera dei Deputati / Campidoglio 4-5-6 aprile 2014 ~~~~~~ Venerdì 4 aprile Camera dei Deputati Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari Sessione inaugurale 9h30 –