Modern agricultural biotechnology calling
12 April 2018, 14.00 to 17.30
ROOM A3G2, European Parliament, Brussels
Part of the 5th Meeting of the World Congress on Freedom of Scientific Research
11-13 April 2018, European Parliament, Brussels
The session is supported by EuropaBio and moderated by John Brennan, EuropaBio secretary-general
14.00 Welcome, Key Note Speech by Commissioner Andriukaitis
Challenges in evaluating risks in food
14.30 State of play of genome editing and modern agri-biotech
What is genome editing, and why use it in agriculture? What do the scientific institutions say about risks and opportunities, and which steps towards legal certainty?
Conversation between
15.00 The CRISPR era
Genome editing techniques like CRISPR are opening up new possibilities in many fields including plant breeding. When will and should the innovation reach farmers and consumers?
Panel debate
Debate with the audience
16.15 Innovation, precaution and democracy: A right to science? (ends 17.30)
Scientific evidence is one factor in EU decision making, but there are ‘other legitimate factors’. Should a democracy stop unpopular innovation?
Debate with the audience
Tags: Brussels, European Parliament, Modern agricultural