On the 20th of September 2016, h. 13-15, Room XXVII at the Palais des Nations in Geneva (Switzerland), the Associazione Luca Coscioni and the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN, organize a panel discussion on Science and Human Rights about:

“The implementation of the right to enjoy scientific progress and the freedom indispensable for scientific research”

Scientists and decision-makers will present some of the latest examples of basic and applied research in which the human rights related to freedom of scientific research could be applied, namely in genome editing, stem cell research, in vitro fertilization and will urge the United Nations to promote the full implementation and the respect of those rights in the framework of the International Covenant on Ecomomic Social and Cultural Rights.


  • Introduction: Senator Benedetto DELLA VEDOVA, Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Italy

I PART: The role of civil society in monitoring the freedom of scientific research

Chair: Filomena GALLO and Marco CAPPATO, Associazione Luca Coscioni

  • “The right to science and the UN”, Mikel MANCISIDOR UN Treaty Body Expert, ViceChair of the CESCR
  • “Presentation of an NGO Report on Costa Rica’s implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, social and cultural rights”, Professor Cesare ROMANO, International Human Rights Clinic, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles

II PART: Stem Cell Research and genome editing – political decisions and patients rights

Chair: Marisa JACONI, University of Geneva, and Marco GENTILI, ALS patient

  • “The use of human embryonic stem cells research and the opportunities of genome editing”, Malin PARMAR, Lund University
  • “Patient and citizen Empowerment across the EIP Action”, Dr. Marco TRAUB, Director of transeuropean stem cell therapy society, Bern



