In Argentina, more than 12,000 “abandonded” embryos (created upon request of an infertile couple but never implanted) are stoed and frozen in crypresearvation facilities and there is no plan for them to be used in assisted reproduction treatment or in research. This is the result of two decades of embryo cryopreservation. In some cases, ambryos were “abandoned” because a sufficient number of embryos had neen being succesfully implanted. In other cases, the couple got separated or divorced before implantation. While legal status of these embryos is unclear, they cannot be adopted by other couples, or destroyed or used in research. Surveys show, however, that infertile couples support various options: donation of these embryos to other infertile couple (65%), use in research (15%) or destruction (15%). Commentators think that legal reform is needed. Some advocate a law allowing for the adoption of these embryos after five years of cryopreservation. Others propose to rewuire that infertile couples enter into an agreement at the time the embryo is creted determining th ecustodian rights of the embryo in the event of separation or divorce.

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