US: FDA approves clinical trial for stem cell treatment

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a clinical trial using stem cell therapy on patients with spinal cord injury. The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), California’s stem cell agency, is funding the trial. The Phase 1/2a clinical trial is designed to test the safety of this approach and to see if it has any

Italy: Gamete donation, court says: “no regulatory gap after ban on gamete donation was found unconstitutional.”

The Court of Appeals in Bologna issues an order in an appeal filed by two couples who wanted to access gamete donation at a time it was prohibited under Italian law. In fact, the appeals had been filed before the ban on gamete donation was lifted by the Constitutional Court in April 2014. The Court

New Zealand Database lists GPs opposed to abortion

In 2014, an online database listing doctors allegedly opposed to terminations and contraception was set up in New Zealand. The database lists dozens of medical professionals who are said to oppose abortion. The site’s advocates say patients, as consumers, have a right to know who does not offer contraception or abortion referrals because of their moral

Case in which abortion was denied reignites controversy over Irish Law.

A young woman who was refused an abortion despite asserting that she was suicidal and protesting with a hunger strike has had her baby delivered by cesarean section in a case that has reignited the controversy over a relatively new Irish law that allows for abortion in limited circumstances. The woman, who cannot be named

Iran bans permanent contraception

Iran banned permanent contraception (vasectomy and similar intervnetions on women). The bill also bans the advertising of birth control in a country where condoms had been widely available and family planning considered entirely normal. The ban aims to reverse the decline in Iran’s population, but reformists see the law as part of a drive by conservatives to

Italy: Custody battle over IVF mix-up babies.

Twin babies born this week in Italy are at the centre of an unprecedented custody battle after an apparent blunder at a fertility clinic in Rome. In Deecember 2013, four couples sought ART and, due to some mistake, two embryos wer implanted in a woman who was not the source of teh oocyte used in

Cryopreserved embryos in Argentina: more than 12,000

In Argentina, more than 12,000 “abandonded” embryos (created upon request of an infertile couple but never implanted) are stoed and frozen in crypresearvation facilities and there is no plan for them to be used in assisted reproduction treatment or in research. This is the result of two decades of embryo cryopreservation. In some cases, ambryos

Mississippi’s Only Abortion Clinic Will Stay Open After Court Ruling.

A federal appeals panel blocked a law that would have closed the one abortion clinic in Mississippi. The sole abortion clinic in Mississippi will remain open after a federal appeals panel on Tuesday blocked a state law that would have required its doctors to obtain admitting privileges at local hospitals. The U.S. Court of Appeals