Audrey Simpson: “The legal, political and social context of the provision of abortion services in Northern Ireland” (EN, IT)

by Audrey Simpson, Director, Family Planning Association, Northern Ireland I want to highlight how women in Northern Ireland have been denied medical science for many years now. As you are aware, Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. I want to situate abortion in the UK context. Last year (2008), as some of you

MARTIN EVANS: “Stem cells, why is there any problem?” (EN, IT)

The whole of the multicellular organism develops from a fertilised egg by a process of progressive cellular specialisation, usually accompanied by restriction of the potential fate of the cell lineage. At various stages there are self regenerating populations of cells – stem cells. These typically have a restricted differentiation ability but such cells from a

Charles Sabine’s address

The theme of this talk is the importance of communication and freedom of research, in the pursuit of dignity and hope for Europe’s lost community of sufferers of dementia. Applying the lessons of a career witnessing tragedy, to a family’s devastation with Huntington’s disease, lessons are learnt about the morality – or rather lack of

Gilberto Corbellini: “Retrospectives and prospects on the freedom of science from the viewpoint of a historian�? (EN, IT)

“Retrospectives and prospects on the freedom of science from the viewpoint of a historian�? Gilberto Corbellini Sapienza – University of Rome The second edition of the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research should represent the opportunity to both highlight and discuss more systematically the reasons that hinder the recognition of the role that science

Marco Traub: “Potential impact of advances in stem cell based therapies for Africa” (EN, IT)

“Potential impact of advances in stem cell based therapies for Africa in the course of knowledge transfer and affordable medicine�? By Marco Traub, Transeuropean Stem Cell Therapy Consortium (TESCT), Switzerland, United Kingdom I am honored for being invited to this excellent and high-leveled meeting by Marco Cappato. My talk will focus on the socio-economic impact