Nonviolent Radical Party says no to Italian model in Hungary

To the Members of the Hungarian Parliament Dear Colleagues, We are informed that according to a document published by your Ad hoc Parliamentary Constitution Drafting Committee, Hungary’s drafted Constitution should include the protection of life understood as starting from the conception. Moreover the proposal provides special protection to the institution of marriage, understood as the

An Italian Experience of Resisting Religious Fundamentalisms

The anthology Feminists on the Frontline: Case Studies of Resisting and Challenging Fundamentalisms has been published by AWID – Association for Women’s Rights Development The anthology includes the case study Associazione Luca Coscioni and the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research: An Italian Experience of Resisting Religious Fundamentalisms by Carmen Sorrentino. This collection of

Final Programme of the second meeting (Brussels, March 5-7, 2009)

Second meeting of the WORLD CONGRESS FOR FREEDOM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (European Parliament – Brussels, room PHS 3C050, March 5-7, 2009) “From the body to the body politic” DRAFT PROGRAMME 1ST DAY – THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH 10 – 10.30 AM Registration 10.45 AM – 1 PM Opening Ceremony Chair: Emma Bonino, Vice-President, Italian Senate; former

Concept paper of the second meeting (2009)

The first session of the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research was held in Rome from the 16th to 18th of February 2006, at the presence of scientists, researchers, experts, legislators as well as University professors and representative of civil society coming from Europe, North America and the Middle East. The meeting closed with

Final declaration of the first meeting of the World Congress for freedom of scientific research

Preamble: Freedom of scientific research is required by democracy, is a basic civil and political right and is one of the main guarantors of human health and welfare. Freedom of scientific research is part of the fabric of democratic theory because all democracies are founded upon the value of the individual, individual choice and upon

The proceedings of the Rome meeting (2006)

The proceedings of the first World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research are now available in four languages (Italian, English, Spanish and French). You can receive a copy of the proceedings by donating to Luca Coscioni Association. Request your copy to The proceedings represent a relevant instrument of theoretical reflection and dissemination. Our objective

Opening Remarks by Luca Coscioni at the Founding Session of the World Congress (IT, EN)

I am pleased to intervene in the Constituent Session of the World Conference on Freedom of Scientific Research that for all of us is an occasion for debate and confrontation on a particularly delicate topic, which concerns our existence, our conscience, our becoming. I would like to express my gratitude for your having accepted the

Final Declaration of the Founding Session

We the undersigned, the participants to the Founding Session of the “World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research”, gathered together on the 9th and 10th of October 2004 in Rome, pledge to found the “World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research” Association, and to convene its First Assembly. The “World Congress” Association will have the